The guidelines for what's normal and what's high for blood pressure have changed. With the new classifications 120-129 resting systolic blood pressure is a red flag meaning one has elevated blood pressure. High blood pressure stage 1 is 130-139 for resting systolic or a resting diastolic of 80-89. It goes on from there.
Exercise is key in helping to control blood pressure. Studies tell us that as little as 30 minutes a day can make a favorable impression.
Along with exercise check out the DASH diet. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, You will find a weight loss and vegetarian option of the DASH as well.
If you need to lose weight and need a reason to do so here it is. Excess weight can affect blood pressure.
Interestingly enough I have read that most Americans are not getting their excess sodium from the salt shaker but from processed foods and eating out. When grocery shopping look for the AHA heart check mark on the label giving approval for sodium content as well as saturated fat and Trans Fat. The AHA recommends 1500mg sodium daily as ideal. That translates to about .75 teaspoon of salt. Get out that set of measuring spoons and see how little that is.
If you are part of the group with normal blood pressure keep up the good work. If your numbers are moving up work hard with lifestyle changes now.
Resources: AHA website;