Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Remember Jane?

When I opened my email tonight there was a video from BeFit with a clip of Jane Fonda exercising yet again at almost 75.  I had to watch.  You see, years ago in the privacy of my family room I first exercised with a Jane Fonda video. Yes, I had a matching outfit complete with leg warmers.  I looked good.  I couldn't do much, but I looked good.  Knowing what I know now I could have done more harm than good.  I quickly got to the point where the video was no longer challenging and I bought my first gym membership. Later in the evening as I flipped through my current Fitness Journal I saw that Jane Fonda had received the 2012 IDEA Jack Lalanne Award at a fitness conference in San Diego . This award recognizes an industry role model who has advanced health and fitness through the media. What is equally impressive is that before Elaine LaLanne introduced her to the  convention she, at age 86, dropped to the floor and did 8 "real" push ups. My point is not that both of these women are celebrities who have inspired countless women to exercise although that is true.  For them at almost 75 and 86, they are still exercising and still going strong!  We can do that as well.