Friday, March 22, 2013

Something Sweet!

According to USDA regulations, by definition foods or beverages may contain the word "lite" or "light" on the label if the product contains one-third fewer calories or 50% less fat than the same size serving of the standard version. Just going by the term "light" can be deceiving unless you read the nutritional information. For instance, the "light" product that I picked up yesterday had 14 grams of sugar. Checking the list of ingredients let me know right away that while some sugar occurred naturally from the fruit, others were added sugars. The American Heart Association recommends limiting your consumption of added sugars to half of your discretionary calories. For women, that's about 100 calories or 6 teaspoons a day. Men get a little more with 150 calories or 9 teaspoons. Discretionary calories are the ones left over after you have eaten the foods that provide necessary nutrients. The AHA also reminds us that a 12 ounce can of soda has 130 calories or 8 teaspoons of sugar and no nutritional value. That translates to mean no protein, no healthy fats, no complex carbohydrates and no vitamins and minerals. It only adds more calories which also can add more weight. Hum.