Wednesday, April 1, 2015


You might remember my post a few weeks ago about spring cleaning.  It all came to an end this past weekend as David and I cleaned out our closets.  Together we had what I consider a moderate amount of clothes to part company.  He had more than I.  His pile had more wearable items like sports coats and shirts.  Life changes with retirement and needs do as well.  I parted with my red 3 inch heals that I thought I couldn't live without and a Ralph Lauren sweater that I had to have. Now I tend to keep my feet closer to the ground and for the most part my workout jacket serves me well. 
There are several reasons to do a clothing inventory.
#1. There are clothes in the closet that haven't been worn in a year and most likely won't. Unless they are special, donate. Offer to someone clothes they might actually wear.
#2.  Spring is here and space is needed for new things. 
#3.  You have decided to revamp your style. David and I? The answer for us is #1. 
Some people say with organization healing begins. For me, organization is calming. Both are healthy solutions.