On a two or three year basis depending on the certification, personal trainers are required to re-certify to keep credentials up to date. For me that means a lot of reading and completing on-line studies and quizzes or webinars. All in all it is something I enjoy and usually have more cecs than required since I find one more book I just have to read. Recently I have been taking the ACE Fitness Nutritionist Specialist. Natalie Digate Mute is a wonderful presenter, well qualified being a Pediatrician, Dietitian among other things. A lot of it has been review but even so it has been quite good. For instance, personal trainers can talk about supplements with clients, the pros and cons if there are any but can not recommend supplements. We can help the client find answers to questions but the client needs to decide. The protein powder that I use almost every morning is a supplement and if asked about protein powder I can discuss the advantages, etc. even give out printed information from approved sources but not get any more detailed than that. While I always thought it was OK to say "this is what I do", it is not. A client might think "Well if it is okay for her it has to be good for me". Individuals need to decide on his/her own given adequate information. Actually making ones own plan with guidance from a professional is a plan for success. It is quite often necessary to have a trainer or a mentor to lead you in the right direction whatever the cause may be, but long term success requires owning up and taking responsibility for yourself,
Resource: ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist Program