Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day To Night

Years ago, and it has been quite a few, I taught a morning step class at a small club in San Antonio. I had a group of 15 women that were regulars at my Monday-Wednesday-Friday morning class. My 9:15am class was considered “prime time”. In less than a year, I saw my class dwindle. One by one my participants would say to me that they could not continue because they were taking full-time jobs. The luxury of being a stay-at-home Mom was quickly being replaced with a need for double incomes. My M/W/F class changed to M/W and finally it was canceled. Interesting as it may be, those same women failed to show up in evening classes. They just decided to let fitness go.

I find so many people leave for work in the morning with the good intention of working out between work and home in the evening. Somehow the gym clothes never make it out of the car. I think that decision is made somewhere between 2pm and the end of the day. It’s somewhere between a lunch that may be too high in carbs and the idea of what has to be accomplished before bedtime. Eat a healthy lunch, drink plenty of water and don’t give yourself an option to work out or not. Gym clothes should be taken out of the car only when they are wet from sweat and smell like dirty gym socks that have been left in the lost and found. If you really are overwhelmed with “stuff” to do at home, do a strong "no playing around" 30 minute workout and go home! I can do a lot in 30 minutes. You can too.