Sunday, January 4, 2015

Falling Forward

"A Holy Experience" by Anne Voskamp is one of the blogs I enjoy almost every day. She is also the author of 1000 gifts.  In a recent post, she wrote about a conversation between a piano teacher and young students. He tells them not to be tempted as they are playing to mentally fall backwards fretting about notes already played, maybe incorrectly, but rather to keep the focus forward on the upcoming bar or measure. Those past bars can't be "unplayed", but the next bar can be played beautifully with focus. There's a lesson. We might think too much about what we have done in the past year (I have already had 2 confessions about not exercising) or even yesterday. I know I was once told that I think too much! I have never forgotten that or the lovely lady who told me. Rather than falling backwards, we should fall forward and focus on what can be accomplished. We have 360 days before us to accomplish something good. It may be a resolution or a personal goal. 
2015 can be the best year ever and get us ready for 2016. Enjoy! Happy New year!

If you are interested check out