Wednesday, March 25, 2015


A trip to Americus, GA., always involves a trip to the local coffee shop, Café Campesino.  While I was so impressed with this small out of the way coffee shop during my first visit,  I remember thinking that I hoped it would be there my next visit.  Small town, out of the way, very little parking all kind of looked like a picture for closure. Customers have learned to adapt to the parking and their business is booming.  Good news does travel. Café Campesino promotes Fair Trade coffee. My cup of coffee helps a small farmer in a poverty area survive and puts him in a better place financially.  Fair Trade lets me know that workers are being treated well, fairly. Instead of getting $.30 - $.50 per pound for coffee that will be sold for as much as $8.00 and more for a pound, the farmer is guaranteed a minimum price for his product.   Our choices make a big difference somewhere in the world even if it is only one cup at a time. I left with bags of coffee so I am ready to enjoy good coffee at home.
