Monday, July 27, 2015

Thirty Minute Workouts

I have always been baffled by the amount of structured exercise most people do not get.  With the health benefits so widely published, I think exercise should be a hot commodity like a buy 1-get-1 free sale.  Such is not the case.  I know the money excuse is not valid. Gym memberships such as ours is relatively cheap and is not even required for fitness.  I even understand that some health care plans cover the cost.  My does not.  In a recent article by Wayne Wescott, he approaches the topic for the over 50 crowd, older adults and frail older adults including those bound to wheelchairs. Don't hit delete yet.  We all may be there at some point.  While I have often read "knowledge is power", it's not power or motivation that this crowd lacks. His recent study indicates that a proper understanding of a good weight training session is a stumbling block for many. It does not need to be "long, laborious, and frequent".  Part of a good session is not crawling to the car and is true for people of all ages.  Exercise is one of the healthiest things we can do. Thirty minute sessions can make a huge difference! Whatever your current age, if you hope to be part of the over 60 and over 70 crowd go for a walk, pick up some weights, do some stretching and make yourself strong.

Resource: "Resistance Exercise For Older Adults and Elderly Individuals" by Wayne Wescott