Tuesday, May 3, 2011


It's a freeby. At the front desk at the hotel last week there it was with a sign "free for guest" so I took mine. "USA Today" quite often has articles on health issues and this one was not a disppaointment. They had asked five leading authors in the field of exercise and nutrition to comment on how to succesfully lose 5 pounds before summer. Here are some of my favorite answers.

#1. Dawn Jackson Blatner author of "The Flexitarian Diet": Ask yourself the magic question before eating "Am I hungry?"

#2. Bill Phillips author of "Body For Life": Weight train intensely for 45 minutes three times a week.

#3. Bonnie Taub-Dix author of "Read It Before You Eat It": Get a pair of tight jeans and hang them in the kitchen instead of the closet.

#4. Bob Greene author of "The Life You Want": Get Motivated, Lose Weight and Be Happy: Free up 30 to 60 minutes a day to exercise.

#5. Louis Aronne co-author of "The Skinny on Losing Weight Without Being Hungry": Eat a high protein breakfast. Start with Greek Yogurt.

If you are trying to lose a few pounds or a lot, the answer to the magic question will tell you a lot about yourself and help you to get into the jeans hanging in the kitchen.