Tuesday, March 14, 2017
It seems that every time the television is on for any length of time we see Marie Osman for Nutrisystem, Oprah for Weight Watchers, or someone for Jenny Craig. There are other weight loss programs advertised regularly as well. Last month we got a flyer from a chiropractor in Boerne advertising his program. I have known people through the years that participated in weight loss programs but I have never known of anyone that kept the weight off when ending the program. I do not personally know Marie Osman. To be honest yo-yo dieting is very common. Lose it this month, gain it back the next. It has been said that it is harder to keep the weight off than loss it in the first place. I am not against healthy weight loss programs and I do remember my own post , "The Power Of The Group". Friends can offer a lot of encouragement. However, for those that can't see spending the money to have meals brought to your door or don't want to invest the time in group meetings think about creating your own program through food journaling. Journaling food is similar to journaling in other areas of life. Some journal their dreams, others journal their prayers, and some journal about life goals. Keeping a gratitude journal is helpful to many. Journaling helps to reduce stress, know yourself a little better, resolve issues and the list goes on. Those that journal food even 90% of the time have success with weight loss. It is as close as your computer. It's free and the #1 benefit is that it really nails the problems with food. Journaling food might help uncover weaknesses. Use MyFitnessPal.com or find another and find out what is making you healthy or not. At the end of the day when you click view dairy, you will either pat yourself on the back or think "Oops".